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How to create a no code mobile app for free and improve your business drastically

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First of all, usual app development is expensive, it needs time and knowledge to build an app. Thanks to no code tools, it often is not necessary to build an app from scratch but use the right tools to archive what you want.

We will explain here what you need to do to create a business app for free and without expert knowledge to fit your needs in 3 steps.

1. Identify what do you want to improve?

Usually, businesses have processes that don’t change for a long time. The reasons are obvious: The business works, people (co-workers) don’t like changes at first and the process became a habit, nobody is questioning it anymore. What may remain unseen is that, if you would improve slow processes you would not also save time (and money), but you also could improve the satisfaction of your co-workers.

We are talking about mobile apps here. Imagine you have a real estate company, where you have to manage a lot of apartments or houses. If someone moves out, you have to check every corner of the house/apartment and write down any issues you encountered. This is done manually on a paper sheet and the person who moves out has to sign it. You bring the paper back to the office and we have seen that companies rewrite all the paper on the computer to digitalize it.

Do you see the possible improvements here? If you would have an app, you would enter everything into your app and send it out directly to the person who moves out by e-mail.

2. Write down all the information you need for the process

Once you have identified a process to optimize write down everything you need for it. In our real-estate case it would be similar to this:


co-workers first name
co-workers last name

residents first name
residents last name

object address

defects (repetitive entries)
    comment: What is the defect

resident signature

Seeing the information above you recognize that it’s always the same pattern. With the right no code mobile app you can replicate this as an app and send it to all your co-workers.

What you may don’t recognize on the first side there are a few advantages over the paper approach.

Advantages no code mobile app

  • Co-workers’ information can be filled in automatically because each user of the app is already identified.
  • The object address can be fetched from a database, so the co-worker has to just select it from a list.
  • For defects, you can take photos that are directly connected to the report. Without an app, you would have to manage photos and the report separately.

3. Build your mobile app in your no code mobile app tool of your choice

Sign up for a no code mobile app tool such as Aamsel and download its Android or iOS app.

In Aamsel a business app is called ‘Aapp’ (Aamsel-App). Create a new empty one or use one of the existing templates. Go into the building kit to modify each component or add new ones, such as photos or signatures. Test it out and invite your co-workers to this Aapp. Download your reports as PDFs or use the Aamsel API to integrate the reports into your existing systems.

Now you will get your reports from your co-workers directly to your phone in a digital format and you can process that information with your systems with the Aamsel-API.

Sign up now and create your own Aapps!